The Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (in Greek) Athens: Historical Quest (2015)

Please note that this book is no longer available in the market due to the fact that the cooperation betwen Dr. Ioannis Vasileiou and the publishing house Historical Quest has ceased.

The target of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union is the substantial crises’ management and the peacebuilding and restoration of peace, democracy and sociopolitical stability in all the “danger zones” within its jurisdiction. In addition to that, the establishment of effective economic and trade relations with partners around the globe is a key concern.

In this book, the functioning of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union is critically being examined, the European Union relations with USA and Russia are being analyzed, the most important economic and trade partners are being mentioned, whilst at the same time, an overview of the major events that led to destabilizations from the end of the Second World War, till the recent crises in Ukraine, Crimea, Middle East and North Africa takes place.

Apart from the introduction, this book consists of five more chapters. In Chapter 2, titled “Which is the Importance of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union”, the importance of this policy is clearly being defined with an emphasis on a) the European External Action Service (EEAS), b) the role of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, c) the relations of the EU with USA and Russia, d) the Petersberg Tasks and e) the EU global peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in general.

In Chapter 3, “A Brief Historical Overview: From the Brussels Treaty to the Western European Union and the EU-USA Relations” takes place. The chapter begins with a critical analysis regarding the climate after the end of the Second World War and the need for an organized and systemized common European defence policy. Extended references follow concerning the Treaty of Brussels, the establishment and main achievements of the WEU, the NATO role and the EU-US relations.

In Chapter 4, which is titled “Basic Structure and Functioning of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Main Institutions and Committees”, there is a presentation of the Foreign and Security Policy operating system and an analysis of the EU and Eurostat relations with countries, unions and economic communities of Latin America, the Caribbean, the Pacific, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Special emphasis is given to the relations with the two Superpowers, which, in any case, require particular attention in terms of every political or economic analysis.

In Chapter 5, a critical presentation of the “Regional Policies of the European Union with Neighboring Geographic Areas” takes place. In particular, we examine the European Economic Area (EEA), the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the Eastern Partnership, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Black Sea Synergy, the Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity, the Central Asia Strategy, the EU Arctic Policy and the Northern Dimension. We also highlight a) the participation and role of USA and Russia and b) the repercussions that their involvement in recent bloody crises (Afghanistan, Northern Africa, Middle East, Ukraine and Crimea) brought to the aforementioned policies.

Finally, in Chapter 6, some “Concluding Remarks” are being drawn and there is an attempt to evaluate EU policies regarding Foreign and Security Policy topics. Issues such as the effective crisis management, building and maintaining peace and democracy, the fairer pursuit of commercial and economic policies and the promotion of international cooperation are considered to be priorities of vital importance for the Union, as well as key regulators for its future.

This book has been accepted by the National Library of Greece and the Library of the Hellenic Parliament.

Moreover, this book has received positive reviews by the Bulletin Quotidien Europe and in particular the «European Library».


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Which is the Importance of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union

Chapter 3: A Brief Historical Overview: From the Brussels Treaty to the Western European Union and the
EU-USA Relations

Chapter 4: Basic Structure and Functioning of the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Main
Institutions and Committees

Chapter 5: Regional Policies of the European Union with Neighboring Geographic Areas

Chapter 6: Concluding Remarks
